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Everett Price
Everett Price

Samsung Galaxy S5 kernels

The factory kernel image is based on the upstream Linux 3.4 kernel that was released in May2012, and adds almost 2 million lines of code on top of the upstream kernel. This factoryimage is abandoned and no longer receives security updates. The goal is to eventually getall of the major components working upstream so that the phone will work with the latestupstream kernel. These patches will eventually appear in theAndroid kernels as they rebase their kernelsonto newer upstream LTS kernel releases.

Samsung Galaxy S5 kernels


You can use custom 2nd stage bootloader to install postmarketOS on Samsung Galaxy S5. Soon this will be the required way to perform the installation, and booting postmarketOS on samsung-klte without lk2nd will not be supported. It requires that you have pmbootstrap >= 1.42.3.

Happy with that? Let's proceed. The only thing you need to tweak the CPU settings of your Android phone is a kernel that supports overclocking. Overclocking is a staple of the modding community, so there is no shortage of good kernels to choose from. You just need to get the right kernel for your particular phone model.

Some kernels come with dedicated software that's tailored to helping you get the most out of the kernel. This can involve a simple overclocking slider, CPU governor settings, undervolting options and more. If the kernel you choose has a companion app, use it. If it doesn't, search around the Play Store for a generic overclocking or CPU manager app with a good rating and positive comments.

Your phone needs to be rooted in order to flash a custom kernel. You'll also need a custom recovery installed (because you can't flash kernels using stock recovery). If you need help with this, follow our guide on how to install a custom recovery. The guide at the link is for a Nexus 5 but the same process applies.

7. Flash the kernel zip file and wait for a success message. Some kernels (like Elemental X in our example) will run you through a series of screens like the Install Wizard on your computer.

Some kernels will allow you to set the CPU clock speed during installation. You can make changes then and there or later through the CPU manager app you installed. See below for instructions on the latter.




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